
Blue Table Post: One Big Step for Brooklyn Post Production

By David Weiss It’s not easy to construct a creative sanctuary in Brooklyn. In fact, it can be downright torturous. Post starts with a different focus at Blue Table. But Oliver Lief, founder of Blue Table Post in the borough’s bucolic Boerum Hill neighborhood, is living proof of any number of inspirational clichés: [...]

2017-05-15T22:32:38-04:00May 15th, 2017|News|

Dirk Noy Share His Essential Reference Mixes

Next-Gen Reference Tracks: 12 Top Engineers Share Their Essential Reference Mixes By David Weiss Dirk Noy, Director of Applied Science and Engineering, WSDG Dirk Noy (photo by Patrick Mer) Role in the Studio: Acoustical consulting and systems engineering with experience in engineering, recording, mixing. Credit Highlights: Studio design projects for Church Studios, London [...]

2017-05-08T08:30:45-04:00May 8th, 2017|News|

Nuevo Edificio de Prácticas Musicales de Universidad de Los Andes Finalista

Hace unos días les presentamos las propuestas premiadas en el concurso de diseño del nuevo edificio de prácticas musicales de la Universidad de Los Andes en Bogotá, Colombia. El futuro edificio de prácticas musicales de la institución bogotana se emplazará en el costado sur del denominado Campito de San José de la institución y contará con salas de ensayos, salas de [...]

2017-05-01T16:57:23-04:00April 28th, 2017|News|

Studio Design: Resolving Acoustics

By Steve Harvey Acoustic treatment and sound isolation are two critical issues when designing and constructing a project studio. Anecdotally, such facilities are trending toward a smaller footprint—a factor that can add a degree of difficulty to the sound treatments. First, however, let’s define our terms, says John Storyk, founding partner of WSDG Walters-Storyk Design [...]

2017-04-19T21:37:30-04:00April 18th, 2017|News|

Modern AVL Design For Ancient Spaces by WSDG

In a true problem-solution scenario, New York-based WSDG (Walters-Storyk Design Group) is tasked with perfecting acoustic clarity and speech intelligibility in two Miami synagogues -- all the while maintaining ancient traditions. The issue of overall quietness was equally important to that of achieving the highest quality speech intelligibility at Miami's Lubavitch Aventura South Synagogue. [...]

2017-11-21T23:34:07-05:00April 10th, 2017|News|

WSDG Completes The Ultimate Home Theater in Belo Horizonte

WSDG Completes The Ultimate Home Theater in Belo Horizonte, Brazil Renowned media facility design and consulting firm WSDG (Walters-Storyk Design Group) has recently completed a home theatre within the 50, 000 sq.ft residence of a young Brazilian couple in Belo Horizonte. though not particularly conversant with technology or acoustics, the client was committed to creating the [...]

2017-03-12T20:21:10-04:00March 12th, 2017|News|

Moving Synchron Stage Vienna into a New Technological Era

By Simon Duff Synchron Stage Vienna opened in July 2016 to great acclaim and a clear intention to become one of the world’s leading film-scoring facilities, both in terms of acoustics and technical facilities. Stage A can accommodate up to 130 musicians, with a control room based around a SSL Duality Delta 96-channel Prostation console. Stage [...]

2017-04-21T12:50:33-04:00February 21st, 2017|News|

WSDG and BSO on the Grammy Trail

As the gold (and platinum) dust from the 2017 Grammy Awards settles on the recording industry field, WSDG congratulates the studios, engineers, and artists whose work was recognized this year. Ann Mincieli's showplace Jungle City Studio on New York's Highline hosted numerous "top secret" sessions for Beyonce's critically acclaimed (and multi-Grammy-winning) Lemonade. Electric Lady Studios [...]

2017-02-26T19:27:55-05:00February 20th, 2017|News|

Behind The Scenes Of The BSO’s Ambitious Shostakovich Recordings

By Andrea Shea   Uncertainty is the music industry’s new normal as companies and consumers migrate from albums and CDs to downloads and streaming platforms. That got us wondering why the Boston Symphony Orchestra — which wraps up its current season this weekend — has embarked on an ambitious recording project that seems rare [...]

2017-02-20T17:50:50-05:00February 14th, 2017|News|
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