

Class of 2017

Design by WSDG, 55TEC Studio in Beijing, China was selected by MIX as one of the 17 coolest studios designs of the year, in their famous "Class of 2017" yearly edition. 55TEC Studio - Beijing, China [...]

June 15th, 2017|

经典再看|Paul Epworth传奇录音室深度探秘

WSDG, China, John Storyk, Sergio Molho, Renato Cipriano, Beth Walters, Dirk Noy 英国制作人Paul Epworth和一些响当当的名字合作过,包括Adele, U2,Coldplay和Paul McCartney。而他的录音室The Church本身就创造了历史。虽然最早是朝圣的场所,这个录音室已经被很多制作人拥有过。包括儿童电视节目制作人,来自The Arithmetic的Dave Steward以及词曲创作人David Gray。在多年间,它也接待过Bob Dylan, Radiohead和Depeche Mode。让我们跟随Sound on Sound团队与Paul的畅谈视频来了解这名制作人的一些音乐理念。先戳视频,视频下面我们也附了高营养的采访原文。 Recording Studios, Design, Acoustics, Silvia Campos Ulloa, Joshua [...]

June 6th, 2017|
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