Monthly Archives: June 2017

Acoustical Society of America

Tuesday, June 27th, 2017 – 1:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA Title: "Technical Tour – Berklee College of Music" Presented by John Storyk, Dirk Noy & Renato Cipriano, WSDG Language: English Berklee College of Music is a major contributor to the vibrancy and musical culture of Boston.  Its outstanding world-renown programs include a rigorous core [...]

2017-06-29T16:47:02-04:00June 27th, 2017|Past Lectures|

A (Media) Full House For Casa Fontela in Buenos Aires

A (Media) Full House For Casa Fontela in Buenos Aires, Argentina by WSDG-Walters Storyk Design Group by Sumit Singhal A recently completed luxury home in BA’s upscale Cañuelas suburb, reflects the advantages of engaging a single creative entity to develop the entire unified interior design for a new family home.  As co-partners in WSDG -Walters-Storyk Design Group, a leading [...]

2017-07-18T16:15:57-04:00June 26th, 2017|News|

Richard Russell’s XL Recordings Empire

By signing artists like Adele and Vampire Weekend, the label banks on long-term potential instead of chasing viral hits By Matthew Trammell Richard Russell, the head of XL Recordings, walked into a small recording studio in West London and found a woman named Caroline Simionescu-Marin sitting, cross-legged, atop a rack of audio equipment. Russell is known [...]

2017-07-18T23:43:37-04:00June 20th, 2017|News|

Infocomm 2017

Wednesday to Friday – June 14-16, 2017 – All Day Orange County Convention Center - 9800 International Dr, Orlando, FL 32819 Attending this Convention: Sergio Molho, WSDG Partner & Director of Business Development and Federico Petrone, WSDG Senior Systems Designer Language: English Click Here to Register For more info contact us at

2017-06-29T16:45:56-04:00June 16th, 2017|Past Lectures|

Class of 2017

Design by WSDG, 55TEC Studio in Beijing, China was selected by MIX as one of the 17 coolest studios designs of the year, in their famous "Class of 2017" yearly edition. 55TEC Studio - Beijing, China / WSDG (Walters-Storyk Design Group) Studio owner and Golden Melody Award-winning recording engineer Li You joined with Wu Yongheng, (aka [...]

2017-09-22T16:11:48-04:00June 15th, 2017|News|

NeoCon 2017

Monday to Wednesday – June 12-14, 2017 – All Day The Mart, Chicago - 222 W Merchandise Mart Plaza, Chicago, IL 60654 Attending this Convention: Silvia Molho, WSDG Partner & ArtDirector   NEOCON'S 49TH EDITION Since 1969 NeoCon continues to serve as the world's premier platform and most important event of the year for the commercial design industry.  [...]

2017-06-29T16:44:57-04:00June 14th, 2017|Past Lectures|

经典再看|Paul Epworth传奇录音室深度探秘

WSDG, China, John Storyk, Sergio Molho, Renato Cipriano, Beth Walters, Dirk Noy 英国制作人Paul Epworth和一些响当当的名字合作过,包括Adele, U2,Coldplay和Paul McCartney。而他的录音室The Church本身就创造了历史。虽然最早是朝圣的场所,这个录音室已经被很多制作人拥有过。包括儿童电视节目制作人,来自The Arithmetic的Dave Steward以及词曲创作人David Gray。在多年间,它也接待过Bob Dylan, Radiohead和Depeche Mode。让我们跟随Sound on Sound团队与Paul的畅谈视频来了解这名制作人的一些音乐理念。先戳视频,视频下面我们也附了高营养的采访原文。 Recording Studios, Design, Acoustics, Silvia Campos Ulloa, Joshua Morris, Gabriel Hauser, Walters-Stroyk Design Group       我们是Sound On Sound,现在在Church录音室,与PaulEpworth先生一起。你怎么样? 挺好的。谢谢你。你怎样? 挺好的。所以Paul,你已经有了很多荣誉。你有1个全英音乐奖,5个格莱美奖,1个奥斯卡。你最近的成就是这个地方,这个教堂。所以你可不可以告诉我们一些关于这个地方的历史。你是怎样接触到这个地方的? 好吧。一开始我想要寻找一个录音室。结果并不像我一开始想象的顺利。我看过很多地方。试着找一个能在夜间做音乐的地方。然后我接到一个来自David Gray的电话,他说想要出售这个地方。一开始我觉得肯定没法成功。一直到几个月后我才渐渐有一个成熟的想法。所以我问他,你还在找人转让它吗?然后他说他打算出售它。然后我说,表酱!我觉得应该能有个解决方案的。然后我们终于做成了,去年5月的时候。最终是在10月的时候正式拿到了它。然后1月的时候搬了进来。然后大致翻修了一下。 透露一下你们怎样翻修的。你对这个地方做了什么。因为这个房间看上去并没有做太大改动。 没有。我们在混响室放了一张大控制台。控制室放不下它。混音室在楼下,1986年建造的。后面有一个小的录音室。那边原来是个休息室,有人把它改造成了这样。这就是为什么我们想把这里和楼下两个房间变得有商业用途。在声学测试的时候我们发现了一件事情,楼上的这间房并没有像楼下那两间那么被常用。 这是1号录音室? 这是1号录音室。楼下的是2号。显然,在两个录音室之间的隔断并不应该那么复杂,根据我们想要放在楼下的麦克风来说。所以一切都要从头开始。也就是让“监狱”重见天日。而且要用140个可回收的分隔膜来打造。那是9个月的工作量。 我觉得这现在是个令人叹为观止的房间。 [...]

2017-06-07T17:20:45-04:00June 6th, 2017|News|

Alto Music

Thursday – June 1st, 2017 – 6:00pm Drinks & Network - 6:30pm Lecture Alto Music, Brooklyn, NY Title: “Lessons Learned from Electric Lady - A Studio Designer’s Perspective on Architecture and Acoustics” Presented by Architect / Acoustician John Storyk, Founding Partner & Director of Design, WSDG Language: English For more info contact us at  

2017-06-04T21:31:35-04:00June 1st, 2017|Past Lectures|
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