

Jasmin Studio Redefines ‘State of the Art’ with World’s Most Advanced Residential Studio Design and Integration

Fortaleza, Brazil, November 3, 2022 — When Jasmin Studio was conceived in 2016, immersive audio and video streaming was far from the mainstream, and nobody could have predicted how the COVID-19 pandemic was about to [...]

November 3rd, 2022|

WSDG at AES 2022

Nearly 100 audio pros attended the AES Convention presentation by REDIAcoustics co-founders John Storyk and Dr Peter D’Antonio at the Javits Center today. The presentation, entitled New Developments in Small Room Acoustic Analysis and [...]

October 19th, 2022|

Brazil’s Jasmin Studio Trailblazes the Creative Potential of Immersive Audio Production with Brand New, WSDG-Designed World-Class Residential Facility

Fortaleza, Brazil, July 12, 2022 — Jasmin Studio, owned and operated by Brazil-based jazz pianist and composer Ricardo Bacelar, has completed its first Dolby Atmos project — a full-length album entitled Congênito, which will be released in [...]

October 5th, 2022|

Jasmin Studio Trailblazes Immersive Audio Production With WSDG-Designed World-Class Residential Facility

Fortaleza, Brazil — Jasmin Studio, owned and operated by Brazil-based jazz pianist and composer Ricardo Bacelar, has completed its first Dolby Atmos project — a full-length album entitled Congênito, which will be released in August on his [...]

October 5th, 2022|
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