Monthly Archives: November 2019

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Argentina to Uruguay: Latin American Studios Take the Lead

By David Weiss What’s the common thread that runs through all of Latin America? With diversity abounding throughout this vibrant region, a unifying factor can be hard to identify. And we’re talking about a very sizable chunk of planet Earth: spanning the northern border of Mexico clear to the southern tip of Chile, from easternmost [...]

2020-01-03T04:04:20-05:00November 30th, 2019|News|
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Storyk to Talk Podcast Studio Design at The Video Show

The famed studio architect will speak about his work creating podcast facilities for Stitcher and Spotify’s Gimlet Media at this year’s The Video Show in Washington, D.C. on Thursday December 5th from 12:15 PM to 1:00 PM. Washington, D.C. (November 13, 2019)—Last year, 61% of the podcast fans who responded to a survey by Discover [...]

2019-12-11T05:35:57-05:00November 14th, 2019|News|
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RPI Gets Immersive and Covers MIX!

    RPI Gets Immersive WSDG (WALTERS-STORYK DESIGN GROUP) INTEGRATES AUDIO-VIDEO-3D IN NEW HASS MEDIA CENTER One year ago, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, the world’s third largest technological research university, founded in 1824, opened a new fully immersive audio/video/3D production, editing and mixing complex on its Troy, N.Y., campus. The new facility, designed by Walters-Storyk Design [...]

2019-12-23T23:16:31-05:00November 13th, 2019|News|

Parsons School of Design 2019

Monday – November 4, 2019 – 4:30 PM to 7:00PM  Parsons School of Design – NYC – 2 West 13th Street, 12th fl – Skyroom, New York, NY 10011 Title: “Lessons from Electric Lady Studios” Presented by: John Storyk, Founding Partner & Director of Design, WSDG Language: English If interested in getting a copy of the lecture [...]

2019-11-05T20:19:23-05:00November 4th, 2019|Past Lectures|
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