Monthly Archives: February 2023

John Storyk speaks with Lou Diamond on Thrive LOUD

John Storyk is a registered architect and acoustician, and co-founder of the Walters-Storyk Design Group.  He has provided design and construction supervision services for the professional audio and video recording community since the 1969 design of Jimi Hendrix’s Electric Lady Studios in New York City. Throughout his career he has been responsible for over 3500 [...]

2023-02-03T03:30:08+00:00February 2nd, 2023|News|

The legendary Electric Lady Studios best music moments

by Tammy Moir February 1, 2023 Electric Lady Studios remains a revered and enchanting space, a beacon of creativity, and a testament to Hendrix’s artistic vision. Electric Lady Studios, the legendary recording studio in NYC’s Greenwich Village, was commissioned by Jimi Hendrix in 1968. Designed by architect John Storyk and audio engineer Eddie Kramer, the [...]

2023-02-03T03:29:54+00:00February 1st, 2023|News|
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