Monthly Archives: January 2021

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Introducing NIRO™ A Predictive Iterative Analysis Tool For Small Room Acoustics

Presentation To Debut During NAMM 2021 ‘Believe in Music’ Week For many years, the need for a wave-based, computer-modeling tool capable of facilitating predictive, iterative analysis required to optimize small room design (i.e. studios, home theaters, audiophile rooms, etc.) has been the acousticians’ ‘Holy Grail.”  Enter NIRO™, (Non-Cuboid Iterative Room Optimizer.), a SaaS (software as [...]

2021-03-05T16:41:41-05:00January 11th, 2021|News|


January 21, 2021 03:25 PM ET Introducing NIRO A Predictive Iterative Analysis Tool For Small Room Acoustics hosted by RPG Diffusor System Creator Peter D'Antonio and WSDG Founding Partner John Storyk Language: English NIRO is a groundbreaking software platform recently developed by award-winning studio designer John [...]

2024-02-01T23:21:13-05:00January 11th, 2021|Past Lectures|
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