April 27, 2021 1:00 PM ET
Size And Sound
Optimizing Acoustics For The World’s Largest Rooms
hosted by
Gabe Hauser, WSDG Partner, Director of Acoustics
Professor Wolfgang Ahnert, Founding Director ADA-AMC (a WSDG Company)
Language: English
Challenge: A major challenge in the design of large concert halls, auditoriums, sports stadiums, and theaters is correctly “tuning” the acoustic behavior of these spaces, and balancing the architectural and functional needs of their environments with the customized sound reinforcement and effective A/V integration. In this discussion, Gabriel Hauser and Wolfgang Ahnert will analyze the complex architectural and room acoustical parameters required to tame these immense spaces. Case studies, including the Kulturpalast Dresden and Elbphilharmonie Hamburg in Germany, and Musikakademie Basel in Switzerland will be presented to illustrate these concepts and deft, elegant solutions designed by WSDG to optimize these large room acoustic challenges.