Project Description


The Russian Federation was chosen to host the 2018 World Cup in 2010, as such it underwent a thorough renovation of its host stadiums at locations across the country. These stadiums included Lushniki Moscow, Samara Arena, Central Stadium Ekaterinburg, Kaliningrad Stadium, and Mordova Arena Saransk.


The WSDG design team was tasked with recommending design specifications for the sound reinforcement of selected stadiums under consideration of their existing acoustic systems that would satisfy the requirements of FIFA. 


The WSDG design team partnered with the acoustic office Arhiton of St. Petersburg for the project. EASE computer models were created for all of the stadiums which also simulated their respective reverberation times. In addition to high speech intelligibility values, noise levels around 110dBA were to be expected which raised the demands on the maximum possible radiated sound pressure levels. Recommendations for appropriate sound reinforcement packages were then recommended specifically for each stadium.