New York University Abu Dhabi LogoSunday – February 5th, 2017, 9:00am – New York University – Abu Dhabi, UAE

Title: “Recording Studios – Acoustic Design / Acoustics Fundamentals and Modern Recording Studio Design guidelines and Approach”

Presented by  Sergio Molho, Partner & Director of Business Development, WSDG

Language: English


This course is an introduction to the science of Musical Acoustics and it will expose students to the fundamentals of audio engineering, audio, spectral analysis and harmonic series, vibrations and resonance, the science behind musical instruments, the human voice, hearing perception and concert hall acoustics. Digital sound editing will be introduced as a tool for understanding waveforms and spectral analysis. Acoustic plays a major role in the success of any musical performance, whether it’s in a recording studio, concert hall, or outdoors. Students will improve their editing and mixing environment by learning the “ins and outs” of acoustics. 

For more information send us an email to

A group of students from NYU Abu Dhabi and Sergio Molho from WSDG, after he gave a Recording Studios Design and Acoustics Lecture on February 5th, 2017